11 Must Follow steps to Secure Your WordPress Website

11 Must Follow steps to Secure Your WordPress Website

Credit: Mark Anderson

So you too love WordPress same as we do and decided to have your website developed in WordPress? WordPress is most popular blogging platform also used for websites, almost 70 million websites are WordPress today.

But with so many positive point comes a most common threat of getting hack, WordPress is a powerful and easy to use but can be heaven for hackers if you don’t use proper secure methods. Here are 11 steps which shall help you to secure your website as well must do after a WordPress install: Continue reading

Reset Password Automatically: WordPress Plugin

Resets password of administrator accounts automatically on pre-defined time set by admin in settings and mail new password to registered email of user

  • Change password of admin account automatically on defined time intervals by admin user. New password is send to registered email of administrator.
  • In case of more than one admin accounts, password of all admin accounts are changed and new password is mailed to individual admin’s registered email address
  • Password change frequency can be set as any day per your requirement
  • Capable to generate strong password with combination of alphabets, numbers and special characters
  • Option to generate strong yet pronounceable passwords

Click to download plugin from WordPress repository

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How to Login using Email Address in WordPress

Default option allow ‘username’ only to login in WordPress. Allowing login using email is a general approach in most cases and here is a quick code snippet to allow login in WordPress using email address as well username:

function login_with_email_address($username) {
$user = get_user_by(’email’,$username);
$username = $user->user_login;
return $username;

You can also change ‘username’ label in to ‘Username / Email’ using:

function change_username_wps_text($text){
if(in_array($GLOBALS[‘pagenow’], array(‘wp-login.php’))){
if ($text == ‘Username’){$text = ‘Username / Email’;}
return $text;
add_filter( ‘gettext’, ‘change_username_wps_text’ );

No change in core files is required and just by adding these in functions.php you can have provide more flexible login option to user.

How to disable WordPress admin bar

Here is a quick tip to disable admin bar in WordPress

Disable the WordPress Admin Bar for all Users and Visitors
remove_action( ‘init’, ‘_wp_admin_bar_init’ );

Enable the WordPress Admin Bar for admins only
if ( !current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) ) {
remove_action( ‘init’, ‘_wp_admin_bar_init’ );

JQuery and WordPress

JQuery and WordPress

If you are trying to add your own jQuery code to WordPress, and have had the error “$ is not a function” show up on Firebug, here is the fix:

Convert all dollar signs ($) to ‘jQuery’
The dollar sign is reserved in WordPress for the Prototype library, which is why it errors out. For example, instead of:

$().ready(function() {

Change it to:

jQuery().ready(function() {

Show External RSS in WordPress Page

Recently in one of project there was a requirement to show data from a RSS link on a wordpress page along with formatting and other features.

Implementation of RSS using PHP is quite easy using RSS reader but implementation of same using wordpress plugin involves a bit complexity and for any wordpress lover first thought in mind if for any such available wordpress plugin. I found one such plugin and as author or this seems not continuing support for this wordpress RSS feed reader plugin so I thought to add it library and share with users.

You may download Rss Feed List Plugin here, steps for integration are as below:

1. Upload plugin and activate

2. Create page for RSS Feed

3. Add below code to page:

For EACH RSS Feed you wish to add, the options are quite self explanatory, there are more such as adding custom tags before and after each item in the list, by default there is “li>” before and “/li>” after each entry.

After you’ve saved and published the page, you can check to see if it’s worked.

You may view a sample page here. This example display data from Networkers.

Happy Coding!!