Cutting Through the Hype: Real AI vs. “If-Else” Experts in the Wild West of Social Media

As the owner of xLab, a web agency thriving for 15 years, I’ve witnessed the meteoric rise of AI. It’s an exciting field, brimming with potential to revolutionize industries and unlock human imagination. Yet, amidst the genuine advancements, a troubling trend has emerged: a social media swarm infested with self-proclaimed “AI experts” peddling snake oil.

Here’s the harsh truth: not all that glitters are intelligent. Many boast expertise, but their claims crumble under scrutiny. They might throw around buzzwords like “machine learning” and “deep learning,” but their “AI” boils down to basic coding tricks — glorified “if-else” statements masquerading as sophisticated algorithms.

These imposters prey on the public’s fascination with AI, weaving a web of misinformation through flashy demos and jargon-heavy pronouncements. The consequences?

  • Wasted resources: Businesses, lured by false promises, invest in ineffective solutions, hindering their digital transformation journey.
  • Eroded trust: The genuine efforts of responsible AI developers get tarnished, creating skepticism toward the entire field.
  • Stunted innovation: The focus shifts from actual problem-solving to empty self-promotion, slowing down the development of impactful AI applications.

So, how do we separate the real from the reel?

Here are some red flags to watch out for:

  • Overly simplistic explanations: Real AI is complex. If someone explains it in a few sentences, be wary.
  • Exaggerated claims: Promises of miraculous results without a clear understanding of the problem are a dead giveaway.
  • Lack of transparency: If they can’t explain their methodology or avoid basic technical questions, steer clear.

Remember: Expertise takes time, dedication, and genuine understanding. True AI professionals constantly learn, experiment, and iterate. They collaborate openly, focusing on solving real-world problems ethically and responsibly.

At xLab, we embrace AI’s potential, but with grounded pragmatism. We invest in continuous learning, build solutions tailored to specific needs, and prioritize transparency in our approach.

Let’s not allow the “if-else” cowboys to hold AI hostage. By demanding genuine expertise and holding developers accountable, we can ensure that AI fulfills its true potential: empowering humanity, not exploiting its naivety.

Together, let’s navigate the social media storm and navigate the path towards responsible, impactful AI.

Oct 27th – The Day the Internet Got Its First Ad: A Story for Everyone!

In 1994, when the internet was still an exciting new frontier for most of us, something truly remarkable unfolded. We witnessed the emergence of the very first banner ad, a story worth sharing with everyone, whether you’re a tech whiz or simply someone who enjoys exploring the digital realm.

The Birth of Online Ads

Picture this: It’s 1994, and you’re patiently waiting for the internet to connect with that familiar dial-up tone. As your web page slowly loads, your attention is drawn to a colorful banner ad at the top of the screen.

This marked the dawn of banner ads, making their debut on a site called Crafted by AT&T, the message was bold and enticing: “Ever clicked your mouse here? Give it a try.”

A Click That Changed Everything

Now, here’s where it gets exciting: People couldn’t resist clicking on it. This unassuming banner ad heralded the era of online advertising as we know it today. Nearly half of the folks who saw it couldn’t resist clicking, giving birth to what we now call the “click-through rate.”

In simple terms, this ad demonstrated to companies that they could reach countless people on the internet with a simple click. That’s when banner ads began popping up on websites all around the world.

From Then to Now

Since that momentous day, banner ads have evolved significantly. They’ve become more eye-catching and interactive. You’ve probably noticed all sorts of online ads – not just banners but pop-ups, videos, and more.

Today, the internet is a treasure trove of information, ideas, and, of course, ads. The next time you stumble upon a banner ad while browsing, remember that it’s a piece of internet history that traces back to 1994, when a modest ad forever changed the web.

So, when you click on a banner ad, know that you’re part of a story that began when the internet was taking its first steps. It’s a reminder of how far we’ve come in this digital age. Share this captivating slice of internet history with your friends and celebrate the day the internet transformed for the better!

Why Small and Medium Businesses Need Technical Partners: A Layman’s Guide

Running a small or medium-sized business is a bit like trying to sail a boat through the ever-changing waters of the digital world. You’re the captain of your ship, but sometimes you need an experienced navigator to help you navigate the rough seas and discover new horizons. That’s where technical partners come in. In this article, we’ll break down the reasons why small and medium businesses need these tech-savvy allies in their corner.

1. Specialized Skills: The Pro Gamers of the Digital World

Imagine your business as a challenging video game, and technical partners are the pro gamers who’ve mastered it. They have specialized skills in areas like website development, online advertising, and e-commerce setup. Just like you’d trust a gaming expert to help you conquer a tough level, technical partners bring their expertise to help your business succeed in the digital realm.

2. Time-Saving: Letting You Focus on the Main Course

As a small business owner, your plate is already full. You’re the chef in your restaurant, preparing the main course and ensuring your business runs smoothly. Technical partners act as your sous chefs, taking care of the complex tech side dishes. This way, you can concentrate on your business’s core activities, just as a chef focuses on creating the perfect dish.

3. Efficiency: Navigating the Digital Landscape

Imagine your business journey as a road trip. You’re the driver, and technical partners are your GPS, helping you navigate the digital highway efficiently. They know the shortcuts, the best routes, and how to avoid traffic jams. This ensures that you reach your destination, which is business success, faster and without unnecessary detours.

4. Staying Updated: Your Personal Tech Weather Forecast

Think of technical partners as your personal weather forecasters for the digital world. They keep a close eye on the ever-changing tech climate and ensure your business is equipped with the latest tools and strategies. Just as you trust a weather app to predict rain, you trust your tech-savvy friend to prevent you from getting caught in a digital downpour.

5. Cost-Effective Solutions: Avoiding Pitfalls

Running a business is a bit like maintaining a car. If you try to fix your vehicle without being a mechanic, you might end up causing more damage. Technical partners act as the mechanics for your digital “vehicle.” They handle technical issues efficiently and prevent costly mistakes. This way, you avoid unnecessary expenses and keep your business running smoothly.

In a nutshell, having a technical partner is like having a trusted friend who excels in all things digital. They streamline your journey in the online world, saving you time, money, and headaches, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business. Just like a skilled navigator, they guide your ship through the digital waters and help you discover new opportunities on the horizon.

11 Must Follow steps to Secure Your WordPress Website

11 Must Follow steps to Secure Your WordPress Website

Credit: Mark Anderson

So you too love WordPress same as we do and decided to have your website developed in WordPress? WordPress is most popular blogging platform also used for websites, almost 70 million websites are WordPress today.

But with so many positive point comes a most common threat of getting hack, WordPress is a powerful and easy to use but can be heaven for hackers if you don’t use proper secure methods. Here are 11 steps which shall help you to secure your website as well must do after a WordPress install: Continue reading

Why Register a .COM domain

Internet is changing too fast. Are you ready for the new wave of internet.why-register-dot-com
With more and more businesses going online and requirement of new gTLD (gTLDs are generic top level domains such as .com, .net and .org), 617 new domains in process of being launched in coming time. Some of them are already available for registration and getting attention.

So why do I need a new gTLD?

That’s a good question to ask. Well lets assume you have a business dealing in used cars and want an online presence. Your first preference possible may be Getting a domain name of choice it too difficult in this growing online world.

Here comes new gTLD for you rescue, how about if you can have your website name as “”, sounds

There are plenty of choice to choose like:
.club / .expert / .dance / .संगठन / .reviews / .services / .guru / .lawyer / .sexy
View complete list here

Any new gTLD is launched in 3 phase:
1) The Sunrise phase (60 days) : Trademark holders who have listed their trademark in the Trademark
Clearinghouse can apply for the matching domain name.
2) Landrush (30 days) : Special period where more entities can apply and auctions will decide who gets the domain name
3) General launch : will be open for all without requirements.

Below is a easy graphic representation by ‘European Domain Centre’ to show new gTLDs and their launch date. You may also like to REGISTER domain here at 10% off

How to add SSL on apache2 ubuntu

How to add SSL on apache2 ubuntu

SSL is short form of ‘Secure Sockets Layer’ and is a crystallographic protocol that provides security for communications over networks by encrypting segments of network connections at the transport layer end-to-end.

Installation of SSL is different on Linux compared to windows. I assume you already have a certification file from your provider before proceeding ahead with this tutorial. Further I will be using as example domain in this tutorial. You can replace it with your domain name while actual implementation is in process.

As a basic information SSL listens to post 443 and there is only one SSL vhost per IP address. Mutiple SSL vhost may require multiple IPs.
Continue reading

How to Login using Email Address in WordPress

Default option allow ‘username’ only to login in WordPress. Allowing login using email is a general approach in most cases and here is a quick code snippet to allow login in WordPress using email address as well username:

function login_with_email_address($username) {
$user = get_user_by(’email’,$username);
$username = $user->user_login;
return $username;

You can also change ‘username’ label in to ‘Username / Email’ using:

function change_username_wps_text($text){
if(in_array($GLOBALS[‘pagenow’], array(‘wp-login.php’))){
if ($text == ‘Username’){$text = ‘Username / Email’;}
return $text;
add_filter( ‘gettext’, ‘change_username_wps_text’ );

No change in core files is required and just by adding these in functions.php you can have provide more flexible login option to user.

How to disable WordPress admin bar

Here is a quick tip to disable admin bar in WordPress

Disable the WordPress Admin Bar for all Users and Visitors
remove_action( ‘init’, ‘_wp_admin_bar_init’ );

Enable the WordPress Admin Bar for admins only
if ( !current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) ) {
remove_action( ‘init’, ‘_wp_admin_bar_init’ );